Agent-Oriented Software Engineering is the one of the most recent contributions to the field of Software Engineering. It has several benefits compared to existing development approaches, in particular the ability to let agents represent high-level abstractions of active entities in a software system. This paper gives an overview of recent research and industrial applications of both general high-level methodologies and on more specific design methodologies for industry-strength software engineering.
We know that people/systems depend on other people/systems to accomplish tasks or goals, people/systems make commitments to provide a task or meet a goal people/systems have strategies to ensure their goals are accomplished. Agent-oriented approaches model people and systems as agents.
Agent oriented programming is an emerging programming paradigm with roots in the domain of artificial intelligence. This paradigm is often described to as the natural successor to object oriented paradigm. Highly suited to applications which are embedded in complex dynamic environments, it is based on human concepts such as belief, goals and plans. This allows a natural specification of sophisticated software systems in terms that are similar to human understanding, allowing programmers to concentrate on the critical properties of the application rather than getting absorbed in the intricacies of complicated environment
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